Marketing Campaign Gold's Gym

Marketing Campaign for Fitness, Gym, Martial Arts Academy: Part I – Branding

This is 1st out of 6 articles devoted to building marketing campaign for your business whether it is local fitness club, competitive BJJ academy, CrossFit box or new chain of expensive gyms. All six articles will compose one, ready-to-use marketing campaign example guide that will give you step-by-step process of creating your own marketing strategy. Continue Reading

Black Belt

Black Belt BJJ – What I’ve learned during 13 years on mat

After 4750 days, 21 hours and 30 minutes Spider became the first Black Belt at the hands of Maciej „De Zoo” Linke. One day, a 15 year old Spider went up the steep, narrow stairs to the attic of an old warehouse by Żołnierska Street in Szczecin, where was martial arts club Berserkers Team Poland. It was one of the first BJJ clubs in Poland, now known due to KSW competitors: Michal Materla or Karol Bedorf. He drifted into Coach Maciej’s classes and started training with him. While after the Linke brothers and Piotr Baginski with Robert Siedziako parted. Linke Gold Team has changed headquarters several times, people came and went. 13 years and 4 days, but Spider is still in Gold color. Continue Reading

core exercises

Core Exercises – Swiss Ball Standing

Core exercises are essential element of Jiu Jitsu training. Core muscles are responsible for keeping your body stable. In normal, everyday situation keeping your posture straight is fair enough. However when it comes to sports you need more than that. In most sports you are putting pressure to your body which makes you go off the balance. Aim of core exercises is to let you sustain full control even in most bizarre positions. Core exercises also protects you from injuries. If your deep muscles works well, they won’t let your joints go the way they shouldn’t go. To sum up you may imagine core muscles as an inner rubber which binds all the skeletal structure. Core exercises make this rubber stronger. Continue Reading

Chaos Gold Team

Chaos Gold Team – from P&G to own BJJ academy

I wrote this article shortly after our anniversary which is on 14th February – Lovers’ Day. We even had recruiting poster joking about this fact. This is basically first year summary of fun things our BJJ acadamy gave us. All of you who train, know that jiu-jitsu is not just about the process of exercise, but also everything around it: people, competitions, travels. I gave corporate life for that. Can’t say it was easy, but apparently nothing worth doing is. If you want to know why I didn’t continue to pursue career in corporations after Procter & Gamble, what are the other things I do besides Chaos Gold Team or you simply want to send me high five through email, see About Me page. Continue Reading


Codex – Book of Virtues

1. Live for the Idea…

…or you won’t be living at all.

People tend to say that thinking (or abstract thinking, as some call it) is what separates us from the animals. But animals think too. What separates us is the Idea. Sure, we will all be reduced to dust, but Ideas will remain long after we’re gone. The Epicurean “carpe diem!”. The modern: “Search for Yourself. Don’t search in crowds. You won’t find it there”. It is the Spirit, not the Body, that is immortal. Life has meaning as long as we give it meaning. Horace was right, when he said: “I have raised a monument more permanent than bronze”. Continue Reading


Elaine – Awaken

Elaine lied in her bed and listened to what was going on outside. Torrential rain was banging against the windows of the old Victorian tenement. Thinking about her day, she remembered the man who had bothered her on the street. He gave her an impertinent and cheeky smile and blurted out: “Hey, babes, looking good! Want to grab a coffee?”. “How dare he?” she thought to herself. “Who does this person think I am? A doll that you can just take possession of?”.

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Subcontract – Complete ‚How To’ Guide

There are plenty of things you can’t or shouldn’t do in-house. Mostly it takes too much time and resources to develop competences not directly connected to field in which we’re operating. In my case it is cheaper to outsource SEO, SEM, webdesign, PR than to employ specialists for each of those functions and further control effects of their work on a regular basis. That’s why I decided to look for subcontractors. Below are steps I follow to make sure choices I make will bring me profit.

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Jimmy Maymann

Jimmy Maymann, Huffington Post CEO – Cannes Lions 2011 interview

What I would like to focus on my blog is entrepreneurship. That’s way most my articles will cover experience I have gathered during developing my companies – what works and what doesn’t. However everyone who runs company knows that business is not only about hard data, case studies and numbers, but also elusive things. One of these is inspiration. Today I present you interview with a person who is inspiration to me.

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